I was wandering around on LDS.org the other day and I ran across this talk given in the April General Conference this year. I recently read it and knew I had to share it. Family is incredibly dear and sacred to me, and the way we speak to and about others is important. I know sometimes we can get carried away and say things we don't honestly mean or we are frustrated by something someone has said, and the way we respond to the situation is critical. It reveals our true characters and what truly matters to us. I do notice a difference in the way I behave and how I feel when I am with people who uplift instead of belittle. We want to raise children who love each other instead of torment and harass. This talk has put things in perspective and has shown me a few minor things that I want and need to change in order to become the kind of parent I want to be. 

I hope you enjoy this talk, learn as much as I have, and share it with others! 

Alright, it's Monday morning and I am happy! Jeb decided to have someone cover his shift for the day so he could stay home and spend time with me :) and also do homework and relax, hah... but he said that I couldn't bother him when he was focusing... apparently I'm a distraction sometimes, umm, I just love my husband, duh! But today I am grateful for him and for all he does for his family. He's a great man. 

Oh, and my parents are off to Hawaii with Uncle Neil and Aunt Dianne! I am so jealous, I've always wanted to go. They keep telling me when we get rich and famous we can go, too :) I hope they have a great time! Thanks Jules for taking them to the airport! Ta ta, for now. 
With an optimistic attitude, anything is possible. 
There is nothing to great for the Lord. 
Trust in Him, 
and everything will be okay. 
  I know this to be true. If I keep trying to be the best that I can be, the very best me, and I continue to pray, the Lord will help me through anything, no matter how big or small. I will be standing with the Lord, and nothing will be able to defeat me. 

Time often gets in the way, 
we begin doing things that are trivial and unnecessary - 
try to always remember the little things that make up a life together. 
What is truly important? 
It's important to make time for the things that matter most! 
Family, love, and joy.
What do you think about when you don't have to think about anything?? There are many quotes and talks about what we do when we're bored or what we think about when we're not required to think about anything in particular. Why do we have a brain in our little heads if we don't use them? What's the point? You might be surprised by what you can find in your brain and heart. I find it quite fascinating to think and write my thoughts down. I love going back and seeing what I thought about. I notice some things ... it helps me to be optimistic and positive. I also think about more in depth topics -- ideas, events, lessons in life, etc. I love to think, I hope others like it also! :)

When compared to eternal verities, the questions of daily living are really rather trivial. What shall we have for dinner? Is there a good movie playing tonight? Have you seen the television log? Where shall we go on Saturday? These questions pale in their significance when times of crisis arise, when loved ones are wounded, when pain enters the house of good health, or when life’s candle dims and darkness threatens. Then, truth and trivia are soon separated. The soul of man reaches heavenward, seeking a divine response to life’s greatest questions: Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where do we go after we leave this life?

How grateful we should be that a wise Creator fashioned an earth and placed us here, with a veil of forgetfulness of our previous existence, so that we might experience a time of testing, an opportunity to prove ourselves, and qualify for all that God has prepared for us to receive.

Clearly, one primary purpose of our existence upon the earth is to obtain a body of flesh and bones. In a thousand ways, we are privileged to choose for ourselves. Here we learn from the hard taskmaster of experience. We discern between good and evil. We differentiate as to the bitter and the sweet. We discover that decisions determine destiny.